A development management review

A review will work with you and your team to gauge the performance and quality of decision-making.  It will identify issues relating to the way applications are handled, and provide recommendations on - 

  • how procedures might be improved and simplified
  • ways the service could be streamlined and the speed of decision-making improved
  • the adequacy and effectiveness of staffing and resources
  • how performance standards could be raised and quality of decision maintained or improved

The approach to the review will combine an analysis of available data from the client to provide robust information about the review issues, with an examination of the institutional and relationship matters which lie behind any identified problems. 

Our team of two consultants will spend several days on site with you to examine procedural documentation and current protocols.  They will obtain an overview of the computer and IT systems in use and how they interact with the various procedures and processes.  They will have one-to-one and group interviews with officers and relevant elected members, to hear perceptions of the service and test out ideas for enhancements. 

The review report will set out clear conclusions and recommendations, designed to be practical and economical in operation. It will cover all the significant issues which have emerged, including as necessary -

  • the efficiency of use of resources
  • performance and the scope for improvement
  • the effectiveness of procedures and potential for streamlining
  • any issues around technology
  • the effectiveness of reports to Committee
  • quality of decision making

Where sensitive issues arise, a short supplementary confidential report may be prepared if agreed to be necessary with the client. 


For enquiries about any of our services, please contact Andrew Wright, General Manager at andrewwright@posenterprises.co.uk or call 0845 6019 067.