Specialist services

We offer a range of specialist services, drawing on the expertise of associates who have developed particular expertise in their subjects.

Green Belt assessment 

Any suggestion of change to the Green Belt is likely to be met with a lot of concern among elected members and local communities.  So it is essential that the evidence is strong.  We have extensive experience of guiding authorities to ensure that they follow sound practice.  We can -

  •  advise on how to go about an assessment yourself, through a day’s training
  • act as a critical friend to help you to be an effective client for consultants who will carry out the assessment
  •  provide an appraisal of the robustness of a draft assessment before it is published 

Where a neighbouring authority has carried out an assessment, we can assist by providing a critique of the methodology and practice. 

Securing good design

The emphais now given to good design by Ministers and in Government policy is welcome, but it  won't happen on its own.  Planning authorities need to build effective approaches to design into the way they develop well-framed design policies in their local plans, amd prepare supplementary guidance.  They also need to re-think how they work with developers, to make design a key aspect of pre-applicaton discussions and negotiation; including working successfully with urban designers.  We offer training on how to go about becoming an effective promoter of good design.

The challenges are particularly demanding when it comes to large urban extensions and new settlements, where the issues of infrastructure and delivery can threaten to push out consideration of good urban design and liveable environments.  We can help you sustain your commitment to creating good places, through expert support to help you meld together clarity of vision, suitable treatment of design in masterplans and other frameworks, and effective carry through into negotiations on applications..

Other services 

We can provide support in a range of specialist areas allied to plan making and development.  Examples are an associate acting as an independent advisor in interviews for senior officer posts; and confidential services to an authority to advise whether there could have been undue influence. 



For enquiries about any of our services, please contact Andrew Wright, General Manager at andrewwright@posenterprises.co.uk or call 0845 6019 067.