Business as usual - almost
13 May 2020
The coronavirus epidemic continues to dominate our lives, and it will clearly be a long time before we can get back to what we used to think was normal. And the way we work will no doubt be different in the future.
But that doesn't stop POS Enterprises being able to help you now. Whilst the lockdown prevents face-to-face meetings, we are still able to continue to offer our services virtually.
Our learning groups are going ahead as virtual meetings using Teams or Zoom to suit the group members. The groups provide an excellent way to keep up with the changing world of planning and explore aspects of good practice, whether in relation to plan making, minerals and waste planning, development management, implementing the CIL, or neighbourhood planning.
All our direct services to clients are still operative. We can review emerging local plan documents remotely, and then have a virtual meeting with your team to work through the issues which emerge. Similarly, we can advise on Green Belt appraisal, planning for gypsies and travellers, and addressing viability.
We are already delivering training by video-conference, and would be pleased to explore with you how it could be made to work for you and your elected members or officers.
Development management reviews can also be carried out virtually, using a combination of one-to-one and group sessions to explore the issues and the opportunities for strengthening the service.
Keep safe,
Andrew Wright, General Manager
by Andrew Wright
Category POS Enterprises