Tracking the NPPF

29 October 2018

The revised NPPF is significantly changed from the original, in both the content and the structure.  Practitioners told us this makes it quite tricky to see where policy in the original version has been carried forward, revised or replaced.  So we have produced two tables to help.

The first table follows the structure of  the revised version, and for each paragraph shows where the policy has come from, whether unchanged or revised from the original, or has been replaced.  It can be found here.

The second table works forward from the 2012 version of the NPPF, to show how the policy paragraphs there have been carried forward,  revised, omitted or replaced.  It can be accessed here.

We have tried to make the tables as accurate as possible, but if you do find anything which doesn't seem quite right, please let us know at

by Andrew Wright

Category POS Enterprises